Fishing for Beginners in Nearby Kawartha Lakes

3 Tips for Beginners 

Tip #1: Purchase a Fishing Licence Before You Fish. 

In Ontario, a licence to fish consists of an outdoors card as well as a fishing licence tag (either printed on the back of the card or accompanying the card). However there are exceptions for those who are under 18 years of age or 65 and older. Getting your fishing licence is essential and cannot be avoided, even if you don’t plan on going out fishing that often. The fines and penalties for fishing without a licence are typically harsh and can result in the confiscation of your own purchased gear. So don’t forget to purchase your fishing licence before your first trip out. There are options on what type of fishing licence you can purchase. A sport fishing licence will allow anglers full catch and possession fishing privileges, while a conservation fishing licence has some restrictions. Make sure you read and understand the rules and regulations that apply to the area you are going to be fishing in by consulting the Ontario recreational fishing regulations summary.

Tip #2: Best Times of the Day to Fish. 

Anytime you can get out on the water fishing is a good time! However, to up the odds in your favour, I would recommend for beginners to fish in the early morning and in the late afternoon and evening especially if your fishing time is limited. Many species of fish tend to feed at the hours of dawn and dusk making it the perfect time to fish. Hot summer days with direct sunlight and bluebird skies tend to force fish to seek out shaded areas or bury themselves in thick weeds. This can be frustrating for novice anglers so try fishing during the most productive times. 

Tip #3: Start Small and Fish With Friends.

As with any sport, it is important to develop your skillset before taking on more challenging opportunities. Start out targeting smaller fish with a friend. They are easier to find and easier to handle when you do catch them. This can ultimately help you both build skills so that you can work your way up to fishing for bigger game. It can also help to go out on the water with a friend from work or your close family. Fishing with another experienced angler while you’re still learning can help you learn quicker, improve your skills faster and perhaps, even help you catch more fish. No matter what your level of experience, fishing with another angler will allow you to improve your skills by observing and asking questions, and its always great to have someone to back up your fish tale!